Types of Posture with Background

Posture, Pain, Weight Loss Results

Body Fat Loss and Posture Improvements

Before (left) – After (right)
Posture and Weight Loss Results


Real Results We Achieve For You

We help you make structural and mechanical changes in your entire body, so you feel, look, and move better.

Below Are Actual Clients

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Low Back and Hip Pain-free

From low back and hip pain to pain-free.

6-week training result at 3X/week.

68 year old client came to me with back and hip pain.

Walking more than a mile hurt, and even sitting was uncomfortable.

After only 3 weeks of training, his pain was almost gone. At six weeks of training, he had no pain.

He could walk and sit more easily, better able to enjoy life with his family.

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Low Back and Hip Pain-free

Before (left)

  1. Postural Improvements:
  2. Spinal (esp. lumbar) decompression
  3. Improved glute activation
  4. Broader, more even shoulders
  5. More even head/neck
  6. Improved scapular stability
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MMA fighter

Performance improvements
and body composition changes for MMA fighter.

7 Month Training Result at 1X/week.

Spenser had spine and joint compression from heavy conventional training. He had poor intra-abdominal pressure and a hip impingement made running painful and walking uncomfortable. Certain movements in MMA would send him to floor wincing in discomfort.

In 7 months of training and lifestyle changes, his issues have diminished because we continue to changes his structure. He has built muscle and is able to move comfortably.

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MMA fighter

Before (left)

  1. Asymmetrical left spiral
  2. Bloating
  3. Lack of erector support
  4. Left collarbone compression
  5. Limited shoulder mobility
  6. Compressed Achilles tendon
  7. Compressed sternum/neck
  8. Forward lateral posture
  9. Knee compression
  10. Locked hips
  11. Anterior ribcage shift
  12. Internally Rotated Shoulders
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MMA fighter

After (Right)

  1. More neutral stance
  2. Less bloating
  3. More integrated scapula

    (Rhomboid, Traps, Latissimus Dorsi)
  4. Sternum decompression
  5. More neutral arm placement
  6. More neutral ribcage
  7. Almost centered lateral stacking
  8. Less compressed Achilles
  9. More Glute support
  10. Decompressed collarbones/neck
  11. Improved shoulder mobility
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had TFCC tear ulnar side repair (Surgery)

Before (left)

had TFCC tear ulnar side repair (Surgery)

  1. right shoulder pain (Diagnosed Labrum Tear at 15 years old)
  2. “I feel like nearly every joint and muscle in my body is at risk of injury”
  3. Early retirement from tennis at 27 years old
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had TFCC tear ulnar side repair (Surgery)

After (Right)

  1. currently able to play pro tennis again with minimal pain
  2. all previous symptoms of joint instability/pain has diminished considerably
  3. quality of life increase, is formidable in his body again to the point where a future in pro tennis is a reality in his thirties.
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“in pain for over 6 years”

(August 13th 2023- Jan 16th 2023)
(Practitioner: Brikeno Fusha)

Before (left)

  1. pain in neck, lower/mid back pain
  2. “in pain for over 6 years”
  3. bulging discs L5-S1 moderately damaged
  4. bloated, hard to manage inflammation
  5. 5-10 pain
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“in pain for over 6 years”

After (Right)

  1. more lean, proper pressure aiding his joint stability
  2. Experiences significantly less pain and has stretches of days that are pain free as well
  3. Much more spinal stability & hip stability
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Chronic Lower Back Pain

Trained (2 years)

(Practioner: Brikeno Fusha)

Age 23 with chronic lower back pain along with notable anxiety/inflammation.

Toby like many of you was told to stretch by Physical Therapy Instructors. He did as Instructed only to find he was making his symptoms worse.

See the next two slides for his before and after with Vero Beach Biomechanics specialists ...

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“in pain for over 6 years”

Before (left)

  1. Age 23 with chronic lower back pain
  2. Notable anxiety/inflammation
  3. Was told to stretch by PT instructors making his symptoms worse.
  4. Conventional lifting/stretching left his body in disarray
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Age 23 with Chronic Lower Back Pain

After (Right)

  1. Currently able to play competitive sports
  2. Pain-free
  3. Much more confident/ able to cope with reality
  4. Currently passing his previous athletic prime from his teenage years
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Has Trouble Sustaining Muscle Mass

Zaynes Training
(May 15 2023-Jan 21st 2024)
(Practioner: Brikeno Fusha)

Zayne presented with low muscle to fat ratio and was concerned that he could not build muscle mass. This created instability in his joints as well as weak abdominal pressure.

After working with Vero Beach Biomechanics specialist Brinko Fusha Zayne was able to remedy these issues as well as others show in the following slides ...

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Has Trouble Sustaining Muscle Mass

Before (left)

  1. trouble sustaining mass
  2. Lacking in abdominal pressure
  3. Instability in Joints
  4. Kyphotic/lordotic
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Has Trouble Sustaining Muscle Mass

After (Right)

  1. has put on over 16 lbs of functional mass
  2. Significant spinal stacking improvements
  3. Much more stable in his body
  4. Much more confident
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Scoliosis improvements

Scoliosis improvements.

10 month result training 1X/week.

Lauren was told for years that she would never fix her back by orthopedists and numerous specialists.

After a few months of consistent training with us, using FP protocols, she noticed increases in performance and decrease in pain.

Her dedication towards fixing her body has allowed her to obtain a newly pressured and pain-free body.

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Scoliosis improvements

Before (left)

Scoliosis improvements

  1. Spinal decompression
  2. Decreased ribcage flare
  3. Scapula integration
  4. Counter spiraling scoliosis curve
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Scoliosis improvements

After (Right)

Scoliosis improvements.
10-month result training 1X/week

It is so much fun to watch the improvements as they are happening. Vero Beach Biomechanics goes the distance with you.

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Body composition changes, posture/performance results.

Body composition changes, posture/performance results.

4 session training result at 1X/week.

Madson's testimony speaks for itself:

"I came in with persistent knee and back pain. After just a couple sessions I was already noticing the difference. I was walking and running with less pain....

I continued my training and was surprised to see benefits I wasn't even expecting- not only was I not experiencing pain standing straighter, I was also breathing and sleeping better."

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Body composition changes, posture/performance results.

Before (left)

  1. Traps lifted
  2. Compressed chest
  3. Anterior ribcage shift
  4. Bloating/ poor abdominal pressure
  5. Compression through lower back, mid back and neck
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Body composition changes, posture/performance results.

After (Right)

  1. Traps lifted
  2. Pec activation
  3. TVA activation
  4. Scapula integration
  5. Spine and neck decompression
  6. Better lateral stacking
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